Ticket voucher "GIN O'CLOCK"
It should be a unique pleasure. A proper experience? Then is this coupon for "Gin o'clock" perfect.
"Gin o'clock" allows for the production of your own gin in our Berlin factory. With over 50 possible botanicals and ingredients, it is guaranteed everyone will find a recipe that is suited for them.
What does it take for you to take home 500ml of your own gin? Arrange an appointment with us, visit us in Berlin-Kreuzberg, 30 minutes and an idea of how your own gin should taste. Then strikes the hour of your own gin.
This is how it works:
Our vouchers are digital. After the purchase your will receive an order confirmation by email, a voucher code and the PDF to print off will be sent separately.
Should there be a problem, send us an email at onlineshop@mampe.berlin
N.B., discounts cannot be applied to vouchers.