Mampe ist Teil der kulinarischen Stadtführungen im Bergmannkiez
Jede Stadt kann auf unterschiedlichste Weise erkundet werden. Unser Partner Eat the World nimmt Entdecker:innen und Genießer:innen mit auf eine kulinarische Reise und bietet besondere Stadtführunge...
Mampe ist Teil der kulinarischen Stadtführungen im Bergmannkiez
Jede Stadt kann auf unterschiedlichste Weise erkundet werden. Unser Partner Eat the World nimmt Entdecker:innen und Genießer:innen mit auf eine kulinarische Reise und bietet besondere Stadtführunge...
Mampe ist Teil der kulinarischen Stadtführungen im Bergmannkiez
Jede Stadt kann auf unterschiedlichste Weise erkundet werden. Unser Partner Eat the World nimmt Entdecker:innen und Genießer:innen mit auf eine kulinarische Reise und bietet besondere Stadtführunge...
It is of course well known that Mampe and racing go hand in hand. Especially in combination with the names Zakspeed and AMG Mercedes, with which Mampe caused a stir in the touring car championship....
Lufthansa Cocktail - An aviation classic
Tomato juice tastes better in the air. Ever heard of it? It's the same with cocktails. And Mampe had already figured this out in 1955, when the Lufthansa Cocktail (prod. by Carl Mampe AG) was serv...
At Mampe we love “crazy ideas”, and so the idea from brothers Jan and Rick Polman was a perfect fit for Mampe. In the midst of the gin and tonic hype, Jan and Rick Polman, van der Valk's fourth ge...
Which snacks go well with gin and tonic?
The gin and tonic has been booming for years, and every year people wonder when the trend will be over. However, there is no end in sight! The slightly bitter long drink can be varied in a variety...
It was nice, dear Schlütti! Between popcorn, cotton candy and marshmallows
Popcorn, cotton candy and marshmallow in a pack of three. These are the Schlütti's that we developed together with @justineschlue and with which we brought the fair feeling into the bottle in 2021...
Which tonic water goes with which gin: The little Mampe guide
Gin in all flavors. But which tonic water goes best with it? The Guide to Tonic Water. The gin and tonic: THE drink of recent years. As a perfect after-work drink, aperitif before dinner, drink...
What are your chances of getting a gin and tonic at a US Superball party?
What are the drinks served during the Super Bowl in the USA? We're looking at the Superball of 2021 for you: In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, Americans are looting supermarkets and liquor...